Changelog of XML W3C Schema for OpenEdition 2013-04-08 Romain Boistel * First release 2013-04-11 Romain Boistel * Added and elements in and elements Added @type attribute in the element Standardization of version numbers 2013-05-17 Romain Boistel * tei.openedition.1.2.xsd Added element in and elements 2014-05-06 Romain Boistel * tei.openedition.1.3.xsd Rewritten ODD file by hand, not using Roma Added , and elements Content models more accurate The main tei.openedition.1.3.xsd file now comes with xml.xsd and dcr.xsd 2014-11-25 Romain Boistel * tei.openedition.1.4.xsd Added element in and
2015-02-06 Jean-François Rivière * Added mets Schema: mets.openedition.1.0 * Added mods Schema: mods.openedition.1.0 2015-04-29 Jean-François Rivière * tei.openedition.1.3.1.odd and tei.openedition.1.3.1.xsd * tei.openedition.1.4.odd and tei.openedition.1.4.xsd Added element 2015-06-15 Jean-François Rivière * tei.openedition.1.3.2.odd -> tei.openedition.1.3.2.xsd, xml.xsd, dcr.xsd * tei.openedition.1.4.odd and tei.openedition.1.4.xsd, xml.xsd, dcr.xsd fix the reference error to tei.openedition.XXX.xml in xml.xsd and dcr.xsd. 2015-11-12 Jean-François Rivière * mets.openedition.1.1.xsd: - set absolute url for related xsd schema (xlink and mods) * mods.openedition.1.1.xsd: - set absolute url for related xsd schema (xml and xlink); - new mods elements allowed: place (as child of originInfo), dateOther (as child of originInfo), note (as child of physicalDescription), description (as child of name) 2016-05-09 Jean-François Rivière * tei.openedition.1.4.1.xsd: - allow elements name and persName as child of element item - allow the value "collaborator" for the role attribute of editor element - Roma rename the namespace "ns1" to "tei" 2017-02-06 Jean-François Rivière * tei.openedition.1.5.xsd: - reference to TEI P5 3.1.0 - fix the publicationStmt issue (valid with TEI P5 3.1.0) - alow multiple in
- add tag in odd 2017-06-02 Jean-François Rivière * tei.openedition.1.5.1.xsd: - fix 2017-08-30 Jean-François Rivière * tei.openedition.1.5.2.xsd: - fix 2018-01-30 Jean-François Rivière * mets.openedition.1.2.xsd: - allow type noticearcheologique 2018-11-05 Jean-François Rivière * xlink/xlink.xsd added (mets and mods dependency) * xml/xml.xsd added (mods dependency) * mets.openedition.1.3.xsd added: - use the above xlink namespace and schema * mods.openedition.1.2.xsd added: - use the above xlink and xml namespace and schema * qdc/qdc.xsd added (used in OpenEdition OAI repository) * add the source ODD for TEI schemas * move tei schemas in a tei directory * add symblinks to tei.openedition.XXX.xsd at root level to preserve localization of TEI schemas 2019-05-28 Jean-François Rivière * add odd/tei.openedition.1.6.0.odd.xml * add tei/tei.openedition.1.6.0 (TEI xsd) * TEI Release 1.6.0 - odd - schemaSpec/source use now https - remove release number from odd now useless with roma 5.0.0 - rename odd/tei.openedition.odd -> odd/tei.openedition.odd.xml - rm 1st char in odd - add schemaLocation to tei.openedition.odd.xml - new elements support: - distributor: allow distributor in teiHeader - bibliStruct (usefull in teiHeader/fileDesc/sourceDesc for TEI export after publication) - analytic - monogr - imprint - series - schemaRef: ref to odd source in xsd schema - new attribute support: - biblScope@unit - date@type: used in publicationStmt (published date) - tag nesting - allow
in - allow
in - allow in - allow in - xsd - add xsd/tei.openedition.1.6.0 2019-06-07 Jean-François Rivière * add mets.openedition.1.4.xsd - allow types 'rubrique', 'rubriqueannuelle' 2019-07-22 Jean-François Rivière * add odd/tei.openedition.1.6.1.odd.xml * add tei/tei.openedition.1.6.1 (TEI xsd) * TEI Release 1.6.1 - new attribute support - head@rend - head@rendition - tag nesting - allow , in - allow in - allow ,

, in - allow in

- xsd - add xsd/tei.openedition.1.6.1 - other - update behaviour and fix the xsd/tei.openedition.1.6.0/document.xsd validity error: 'cos-nonambig' (using ROMA 5.0.0 with TEI 3.5.0). View 2019-12-16 Jean-François Rivière * add odd/tei.openedition.1.6.2.odd.xml * add tei/tei.openedition.1.6.2 (TEI xsd) * TEI Release 1.6.2 - removed element - sourceDesc/biblFull - xsd - add xsd/tei.openedition.1.6.2